Behind your surface self and unconscious coping patterns from cultural, family and generational imprinting, exists your true Self, waiting for you to open to it. When this flow is moving through your life, everything works and you are able to feel deeply satisfied and alive!
Therapy is a journey of clearing unconscious coping patterns and shifting identify away from who you thought you needed to be, into opening to the large Self. This journey takes courage, a love of truth and a strong Mentor who knows the way.
There are certain ways you are in relationship with yourself and others that keep your deep core patterns in place. These must shift to open the door for your true self to emerge and spontaneously begin to order your world in a new and loving way.
Together, we begin the journey of naming and shifting these small, often unconscious ways of holding your old patterns in place. As in any good journey, this moves us into a more unknown landscape which challenges your fears and brings out your strengths.
Unconscious material can then begin to surface and often you feel a surprise at what has been held outside of awareness. Who we think we need to be for others. becomes less important and our experience of life becomes more fluid and magical.
Ultimately, therapy is a journey to the next stage of consciousness, leaving the suffering of the previous stage and stabilizing in the new!